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Hendrik Adrian was a bachelor of Electrical Engineering when received Master of Science in Computer & Information Sciences & Support Services at University of California, Los Angeles, US.

He was working straight in the IT Security field with the UNIX skills in security hardening on various systems, implementing integration of open source solutions to filter malicious contents, after being in training in Mitsui group. His noted achievement was as co-founder of Kaspersky Labs regional office in Japan which acted as technical leader & business executive, his retirement to establish his own security entity, KLJTech (, is well-noted appliance security product maker “K-Prox and K-Shield” in Japan Hendrik is an active speaker in the reversing & security conference like BotConf, AV Tokyo, DefCon Japan. His keen in deep technical presentation exposing many local threat via like the detection of first android malware made in Japan.

In August 28th 2012 he gathered security researchers all over the world to form a malware analysis group known as MalwareMustDie, to suppress the growth of malware distribution in web. MalwareMustDie ( is now known with achievement in deep analysis and disclosure of new threats, some achievements i.e. the disclosure of Darkleech Rogue Apache Modules, detection of CookieBomb threat, and Rogue 302-Redirection & Cushion attack, 300+ botnet source codes, full disclosure of Kelihos botnet actors, and stopping the PowerLocker ransomeware. His team is dedicated for its Tango Down achievement which shutting down of: more than 36,000 malware domains, and assisting arrest to some cyber crime groups like “RU:8080 Cridex” credential stealer, and several actor's ID.